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LiposuctionTummy Tuck

What Is The Best Surgery To Get Rid Of Belly Fat?

By July 20, 2021 No Comments

Belly fat is a condition that plagues men and women alike. As we age and our bodies change, belly fat can become more stubborn and difficult to get rid of. Combined with extra skin and other conditions, many may seek out plastic surgery for a solution. Luckily, depending on your anatomy, there are procedures that can address fat in the abdomen. Below are the best procedures to get rid of extra belly fat.


For patients with small amounts of belly fat, or uneven pockets of it, liposuction may be a good option. Using tiny incisions, Dr. Jonov can remove this fat, sculpt the abdomen, and sometimes define the look of the abdominal muscles. Good candidates for this procedure are those who have a good skin quality, less fat to remove, and those without large amounts of extra skin.

Tummy Tuck

If extra skin is significant or a concern, a tummy tuck may be the best way to address stomach fat. While liposuction is often still used and necessary, a tummy tuck will remove extra skin and create a flatter, more toned abdomen. Without this step, the skin may not contract well enough, still leaving patients with bulges or a protruding stomach.

Not every patient will need a full tummy tuck, some patients may only need a small scale skin removal. Others may require a more extensive procedure. This is best determined by Dr. Jonov during a consultation. 

To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-324-1120. You can also reach us online using Price Simulator™, chat, or contact form.