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Plastic Surgery

Why the Tummy Tuck Works Well for Mothers

Creating a new human life is certainly a miracle, but many mothers often feel uncomfortable with the changes their body has undergone. Even with a good diet and exercise, it may be impossible for some mothers to return to their pre-baby shape. Some mothers who are done having children may choose to have a tummy tuck procedure, or abdominoplasty, to help return their bodies to a more trim figure.

Extra skin be gone!

During pregnancy the skin stretches to make room for baby, and while skin is made to stretch, it can take years for the skin to return to normal if it ever does. During a tummy tuck, Dr. Jonov uses his more than 20 years of experience in cosmetic surgery to ensure that as he removes the excess skin, the feminine figure is maintained. Board-certified Dr. Jonov can also work to minimize the scar from the surgery. Most women can hide their scar beneath any pair of underwear or a bikini.

Repair the abdominal damage

During pregnancy, it is extremely common for a mother’s abdominal muscles to split in order to make room for the baby. It is even more likely for mothers who have had more than one child. While it is incredibly normal for this to happen, this split of the stomach muscles can be difficult to resolve with just exercise. Without resolving the abdominal split caused by pregnancy, you can be stuck with a protruding belly or an unsightly pouch. Doctor Craig Jonov stitches the abdominal muscles together to ensure that moving forward, the stomach will be able to keep a flat toned shape.

Keep off the baby weight

After losing the baby weight, it can be difficult to keep the weight off – especially with all the stresses of chasing a little one. According to a study by the American Society of Plastic Surgery, women who underwent an abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck procedure, reported that after surgery they found it easier to lose weight or keep weight off. A tummy tuck procedure with Dr. Jonov in Seattle can help a mother recover from the changes they’ve undergone and repair the damage childbirth can cause in one quick procedure. If you are interested in learning more about a tummy tuck procedure or scheduling a consultation with Dr. Jonov in Seattle, please contact us or give us a call at 206-324-1120.