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BotoxIn the NewsInjectable Fillers

VIDEO: Plastic Surgery Gifts Wanted by Many

By December 22, 2011 No Comments

Holiday shoppers may be buying injectables and other plastic surgery gifts this year, according to ABC News.

Though gadgets are often a hot ticket for holiday shopping, many plastic surgeons are noting an increased interest in plastic surgery gifts.

Two sisters, who note that they usually give clothing or personal items for presents, may be exchanging different items this year. Sister Tina’s #1 wish for a gift? Botox.

Though her sister feels she may not need the injectable, Tina is sure about her request for a plastic surgery gift. She says she began getting Botox treatments after a recent break-up and continues to see improvement in the appearance of crow’s feet.

While the 2011 Christmas season may see an uptick in the number of plastic surgery gifts, it’s nothing new for many consumers. In 2010 alone, patients spent more than $10 billion on cosmetic surgeries and treatments.

With the continued acceptance of injection treatments like Botox and Juvederm it may be increasingly common for people to give plastic surgery gifts, which one woman called “injectable youth.”

Though non-surgical options are the most cost-effective way of giving plastic surgery gifts this year, some gift givers may choose to help out with cosmetic surgeries, too. Popular procedures include facial rejuvenation, body contouring and breast surgeries.

To learn more about plastic surgery gifts and specials on Botox in Seattle, please email cosmetic surgeon Dr. Jonov.