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How Long Will A Mini Facelift Last?

By April 13, 2021 No Comments

A facelift aims to remove signs of aging on the face such as sagging skin, jowling, and wrinkles. This aging occurs naturally when the skin loses its elasticity and underlying muscle structures loosen with time. A facelift procedure can tighten the skin and underlying muscle for a younger appearance. With a mini facelift, patients tend to be younger than the average facelift patient and this causes them to ask, “How long will a mini facelift last?”

The answer to this question largely depends on the patient. On average, patients can expect the results of their facelift to last around ten years. However, this does not mean after ten years that they will automatically go back to how they looked before the procedure, or that you will have aged doubly. 

If you undergo a mini facelift at 45, when you are 55, you will still look younger than if you had never undergone the procedure. A facelift procedure of any kind cannot stop the aging process. Therefore, you will still age, but it can slow it down and reverse the aging you currently see. 

Some patients may undergo another facelift after a couple of decades to refresh their results and continue looking younger for the rest of their lives. At a consultation, Dr. Santos can discuss the expected results of a mini facelift. To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-324-1120. You can also reach us online using Price Simulator™, chat, or contact form.