A tummy tuck is known to remove extra skin and fat from the lower abdomen as well as tighten the muscles and structures in the area. Since a tummy tuck incision is located near the pubic bone, many patients want to know if the procedure will provide any correction to the mons pubis area. It is common for patients with extra skin and fat in the lower abdomen to have the same conditions in the pubis area. So, does a tummy tuck lift the mons pubis?
The answer depends on the specific procedure and the needs of the patient. A tummy tuck itself may provide some mild correction to the mons pubis area, though this likely to be slight. If a patient needs larger correction of the mons pubis, they may be a good candidate for a procedure known as a monsplasty, or mons pubis lift.
A mons pubis lift–like a tummy tuck–removes excess skin and fat from the area around the pubic bone. It then may lift the structures for a less prominent look. The incision for a mons pubis lift is often in the same location as a tummy tuck incision. Therefore, many patients choose to combine the two surgeries for the best results.
In short, while a tummy tuck may provide some slight correction below the pubic bone, adding a monsplasty to a tummy tuck procedure is the most effective way to address extra skin and fat on the mons pubis. To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-324-1120. You can also connect with us online through our Price Simulator™ app, contact form, or chat.

Dr. Jonov is a cosmetic surgeon who specializes in plastic surgeries of the face, breast, and body at Seattle Plastic Surgery.