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Botulinumtoxin Study Closely Examines Crow’s Feet

By January 2, 2012 No Comments

Botulinumtoxin StudyA new study looked at the benefits of botulinumtoxin injectables when used to treat crow’s feet, according to HealthDay.

The study, which was published in the Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, compared two common types of botulinumtoxin abobotulinumtoxinA and onabotulinumtoxinA. Specifically, researchers at the University of California San Francisco, wanted to determine which of the formulations of the botulinumtoxin provided maximum smoothing of crowâ??s feet around near the eyes during the botulinumtoxin study.

To complete the botulinumtoxin study, researchers chose 90 participants and treated opposite sides of their faces with abobotulinumtoxinA (30 units) and onabotulinumtoxinA (10 units). Because of their different compositions, researchers were not able to use the same treatment amounts of each injectable for the botulinumtoxin study.

In intervals of two days after the treatment, both the participant and an investigator examined both treatment sites on the face and evaluated smoothing of the crow’s feet on a 5-point scale. The crow’s feet were assessed both when at rest and when the participant contracted the muscles.

Though no adverse reactions were found to either injectable used in the botulinumtoxin study and both treatments diminished the facial lines, abobotulinumtoxinA was found to have a greater effect in smoothing crow’s feet. The researchers determined that both treatments achieved a “statistically significant” improvement after two days.

To learn more about treatments for crowâ??s feet with botulinumtoxin, like Botox in Seattle, please email cosmetic surgeon Dr. Jonov.