About Dr. Allegra

Dr. Allegra, is board-certified by multiple specialty groups. He has extensive experience in evaluating and treating a wide range of both medical and cosmetic concerns. His skills and techniques bridge the functional to the aesthetic.

He started his professional training at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston for surgical residency and then at the University of Washington for specialty training before starting his private practice in the Seattle area.

About Dr. Allegra

Dr. Allegra, is board-certified by multiple specialty groups. He has extensive experience in evaluating and treating a wide range of both medical and cosmetic concerns. His skills and techniques bridge the functional to the aesthetic.

He started his professional training at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston for surgical residency and then at the University of Washington for specialty training before starting his private practice in the Seattle area.


“I strive for dramatic, yet entirely natural restoration of the face, neck, and body.” Rejuvenation of upper face and eyes.

Dr. Allegra has over 25 years experience with a wide variety of aesthetic procedures. He is one of the national pioneer in the use of endoscopic techniques for rejuvenation of the upper face and eyes, such as a browlift or facelift, and offers remarkable fast recovery with minimal if any discomfort.

Nose and under eyes

Dr. Allegra applied a gentle and effective treatment that offers the reshaping of the nose (rhinoplasty) and removing bags under the eyes most often with no external incision (blepharoplasty).

Breast surgery and body contouring

Restoration of breast and body aesthetics is also accomplished gently, effectively and with surprisingly minimal recovery. This includes breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift, and tummy tuck procedures. Dr. Allegra also has extensive experience with skin rejuvenation including laser resurfacing, use of fillers and Botox injections.

Medical Procedures

“I have substantial experience treating conditions affecting the head and neck and the airways.” Sinus problems.

Chronic sinus problems are often dramatically resolved with endoscopic sinus surgery; Dr. Allegra has performed over 8,000 procedures of this nature.

Sleep apnea and snoring

Successful treatment of sleep apnea and snoring with minimally invasive treatment has been improved through the incorporation of detailed airway assessment that Dr. Allegra and Dr. Ummat perform, called Somnofix®. Dr. Allegra has one of the broadest experience in the use of Somnoplasty treatment. He has been featured on local (Evening Magazine, NW Afternoon), and national TV (the Rosanne Show) as well as in print media worldwide, including China.

Head and neck tumors

Dr. Allegra also has a large experience in treating head and neck tumors including thyroid and parathyroid problems, head and neck cancer, and salivary gland tumors.

“I am grateful for having such a wonderful family and private life, too.”

Dr. Allegra is married and has a daughter who is an electrical engineer. His interests include all things mechanical. In his youth, he frequently disassembled and reassembled much of his parent’s household. In addition to spending time with family, he enjoys golf, skiing, and tennis.

Want to schedule a free consultation?

If you have any questions or want to schedule a consultation with Dr. Allegra and Seattle Plastic Surgery, please call us at 206-324-1120 or email us with any questions or comments.