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Can You Remove A Chin Implant?

By April 5, 2022 No Comments

When a chin implant is placed, your plastic surgeon will adhere it against the bone. This keeps the implant in place and also results in the most natural appearance. When patients interested in chin augmentation learn this, some become concerned as they want to make sure they have the opportunity to remove the implant in the future if necessary. Let’s look deeper into the question, “Can you remove a chin implant?”

Chin implants are designed to be permanent and it is generally recommended that patients hesitant about a permanent implant try a non-surgical chin augmentation with dermal fillers first. This can help them determine if they like the results without worrying about permanently altering the body.

With that said, chin implants can be removed. If an injury, complication, or desire to return the chin to its natural contours arises, your plastic surgeon can remove the implant. It does require a talented plastic surgeon to remove a chin implant and it is best that you return to the original surgeon if possible since they know the specifics of your procedure.

To learn more about chin implant removal, call us at 206-324-1120. You can also reach out online using Price Simulator, chat, and contact form.