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Winter Is The Best Time For Laser Hair Removal

By December 24, 2019 No Comments

Laser hair removal is one of the leading cosmetic procedures to permanently get rid of unwanted hair. It uses state-of-the-art laser technology to remove hair at the root, therefore discouraging future hair growth. It can take a few treatments to see nearly permanent results, and some patients do need yearly touch up treatments. Compared to shaving everyday, most people find this trade off worth it. 

Laser treatments can leave your skin hypersensitive for a few weeks. This makes it more susceptible to UV rays and sunburns. Your master esthetician will most likely recommend wearing sunscreen to protect the treatment areas. Receiving your laser hair removal treatments during the winter, however, can decrease your risk of sun damage because most treatment areas are adequately covered. Even if treating the face, the amount of sun we are exposed to during the winter is significantly less. While you should still wear sunscreen, choosing to have your laser hair removal during the winter makes it a more advantageous procedure. 

Not to mention, summer is the time when we want to show off our smooth, hairless skin. Starting your laser hair removal treatments in the winter can help you see results by summer. 

To schedule an appointment with a master esthetician at Seattle Plastic Surgery, call us at 206-324-1120 or contact us online.