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Breast Lift

The Best Way To Treat Breast Lift Scars: Scar Protocol

By March 30, 2021 No Comments

A breast lift is a surgical procedure that corrects breast sagging and repositions the nipples. It is designed to provide a perkier, more youthful contour. One of the most common concerns with breast lift surgery is scarring. A traditional breast lift requires an anchor shaped scar that wraps around the nipple, down the breast, and through the inframammary fold. This can deter many patients from undergoing the procedure. Thankfully, a new scar cream system called Scar Protocol aims to treat surgical scars as they heal for better looking scars that look nearly imperceptible. Scar Protocol is the best way to treat breast lift scars.

Scar Protocol is a five-phase system that consists of five scar creams and a specialized wash. Each cream treats the scar during a specific phase of healing. Treating the scar as it heals versus after, leads to better epithelization, cell regeneration, and skin regrowth. This ultimately promotes more faded and smoother scar tissue. 

Scar Protocol’s scar cream system is meant to start within six months of receiving the scar. This gives you the best opportunity to receive the best results from scar protocol. Designed by a cosmetic plastic surgeon, Scar Protocol was specially formulated with natural ingredients to treat surgical scars. 

You can purchase the scar cream kit at for $300. Scar Protocol offers a 90-day money-back guarantee. To learn more, get a free scar consultation at or call 206-880-7402.