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BreastBreast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation and Scars: What To Expect & Treatment

Scarring is of the utmost importance to plastic surgery patients. Understandably, they want the scar to be as hidden and faint as possible. Scar healing is not completely within your or your plastic surgeon’s control. However, there are some things you can do to minimize scar healing and appearance. New surgical techniques also hide the scarring in less conspicuous places. Here’s what you can expect from breast augmentation scars and treatment.

Breast Augmentation Scar Placement

Dr. Jonov can place breast implants through a variety of different incisions based on your goals, medical history, and the best placement for future scars. In general, breast augmentation surgery scars are less than two inches and heal well for many patients. Though, if you have a tendency for raised scarring or certain medical conditions, some placements may work better for you.

Inframammary Fold

The inframammary fold–or the crease where the bottom of the breast meets the waist–is the most common incision location for breast augmentation. The area is usually covered by bras and difficult to see due to the curve of the breast. Most breast augmentation candidates will be candidates for this technique and it is often considered one of the safest options.


An areolar incision can hide the incision well. This is because it will nearly always be covered by undergarments and is hidden in the pigment change between skin and areola. However, this method is not recommended for women who want to breastfeed in the future or who are concerned about maintaining nipple sensation. The incision does tend to be smaller than most other incisions.


Placing a breast implant through the underarm–also known as transaxillary breast augmentation–is growing in popularity. This is due to the well hidden scars. The armpit is also an area where keloids and hypertrophic scars are less likely to form. Therefore, if you are prone to these types of scars, transaxillary breast augmentation may work for you.

Another benefit of transaxillary breast augmentation is that Dr. Jonov can place the breast implants under the muscle with less or no excision of the muscle itself. This can reduce the recovery time and post-operative pain.

Belly Button

A belly button incision, or transumbilical breast augmentation, is less commonly performed, but possible. This type of breast augmentation can only place saline breast implants since a tunnel is created just below the skin. A silicone implant could fit through this. However, it is a lucrative option for those with significant concerns about scarring anywhere near their chest.

Breast Augmentation Scar Treatment

The two best treatment options for preventing and reducing scarring after breast augmentation are to follow your post-operative instructions and use our medical grade scar treatment system, Scar Protocol. 

Your post-operative instructions such as not partaking in strenuous activities and taking antibiotics are designed to reduce stress on the scar. This allows it to heal quickly and optimally in the initial stages. Those who do not follow post-operative instructions often see worsened scarring.

Additionally, Seattle Plastic Surgery offers Scar Protocol which is a year-long scar cream regimen that helps your scar heal discreetly during the healing process. It is typically started a week or so after surgery and continued for an entire year. Scars can take one to two years to fully mature which is why Scar Protocol covers an entire year of healing.

To learn more and schedule a consultation with a Seattle breast augmentation expert, call us at 206-324-1120. You can also reach out online using chat, Price Simulator, or our online form.