Nearly 40,000 women will die this year from breast cancer and one in eight will be diagnosed with the disease. Itâ??s more important than ever for women to take proactive measures in the fight against breast cancer. Find out what preventions you can take now to increase your chances of beating breast cancer. One-in-eight is a scary statistic, but even more scary for some women is having to receive a mammogram. But mammograms are the safest means a woman can take in detecting and preventing breast cancer. Here are a few tips on getting prepared.
The Importance of Mammograms
- Self-checks are important, but lumps cannot always be felt.
- On average, mammograms, on average, take 20 minutes.
- Set an example. Be a role model.
- It’s the second-leading cause of death among women.
- It’s safe, and it can save your life.
What Not to Wear
- Deodorant
- Lotion
- Powder
- Perfume
- Jewelry
Breast Cancer and Implants
- Even though breast implants may hide some breast tissue, having them should not be an excuse not to go get yourself checked out.
- Your technician and/or radiologist should be experienced in performing mammograms on breast augmentation patients.
- There are even new special techniques like implant displacement views that are being used to help detect abnormal tissue around the implant.
Being well-informed and prepared for your mammogram will make you feel more at ease with the situation. But for a lot of women, breast cancer has already become a reality. If you are looking or are just considering a breast surgery Seattle procedure, know what your options are.

Dr. Jonov is a cosmetic surgeon who specializes in plastic surgeries of the face, breast, and body at Seattle Plastic Surgery.